using a scf file to gather hashes

2 minute read

Have you ever been on a internal network assessment and discovered an unauthenticated writable Windows-based file share? Well, in addition to finding potentially sensitive information, you can abuse this to gather user hashes from users who are browsing the file share.

Gathering Hashes

It is not new that SCF (Shell Command Files) files can be used to perform a limited set of operations such as showing the Windows desktop or opening a Windows explorer. However a SCF file can be used to access a specific UNC path which allows the penetration tester to build an attack.

Create a file

The code can be placed inside a text file which then needs to be planted into a network share.

Saving as SCF file will make the file to be executed when the user will browse the file

Adding the @ symbol in front of the filename will place the file.scf on the top of the share drive.


Replace with your IP address of where you have Responder listening.


Next upload the file into the Desktop within the Public Folders. The Public/Desktop folder is accessed every time any users logs in. Therefore when the user logs in, the icon is requested from our attackers box, a challenge request is requested by the attacker, a challenger response is then returned to use with the NetNTLMv2.

set listener

set listener to capture the hashes of the users that will browse the share

impacket-smbserver -debug -smb2support share /home/nored0x/Desktop/HTB/driver     


When the user will browse the share a connection will established automatically from his system to the UNC path that is contained inside the SCF file. Windows will try to authenticate to that share with the username and the password of the user. During that authentication process a random 8 byte challenge key is sent from the server to the client and the hashed NTLM/LANMAN password is encrypted again with this challenge key


crack hash

john hash -w=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt


connect with evil-winrm

./evil-winrm.rb -i -u tony -p liltony 
download tool:


I finished this part waiting me in the next part.