Dump Login Passwords From Current Linux Users

1 minute read

Dump Login Passwords From Current Linux Users


MimiPenguin works similarly to the well-known “mimikatz” for Windows, but is designed for Linux and attempts to dump cleartext credentials from memory from the following applications

  • Apache2 (Active HTTP Basic Auth Sessions)
  • OpenSSH (Active SSH Sessions - Sudo Usage)
  • GDM password (Kali Desktop, Debian Desktop)
  • Gnome Keyring (Ubuntu Desktop, ArchLinux Desktop)
  • VSFTPd (Active FTP Connections)

Takes advantage of cleartext credentials in memory by dumping the process and extracting lines that have a high probability of containing cleartext passwords. Will attempt to calculate each word’s probability by checking hashes in /etc/shadow, hashes in memory, and regex searches

install mimipenguin

git clone https://github.com/huntergregal/mimipenguin
cd mimipenguin/


dumping credentials from memory

we can also dump sensitive information from the swap file. As everything is a “file” in linux, so is swap space, and we can use that to our advantage using built-in tools.

The partition or “file” defined as the swap file can be found with the following commands:

swapon -s


we can see that our swap partition is at /dev/sda5

We can obtain the exact same information by issuing the “cat” command to the “/proc/swaps” file:

cat /proc/swaps


We can use the strings command against the /dev/sda5

strings <swap_device> |grep "password="

If you want to search for web entered email (GET/POST) you can use:

strings <swap_device> | grep -i 'email=' | grep @ | uniq

automate swap digging


swap_digger is a bash script used to automate Linux swap analysis for post-exploitation or forensics purpose. It automates swap extraction and searches for Linux user credentials, Web form credentials, Web form emails, HTTP basic authentication, WiFi SSID and keys, etc.

git clone https://github.com/sevagas/swap_digger.git
cd swap_digger
chmod +x swap_digger.sh
sudo ./swap_digger.sh -vx